Public Works Department (Roads)
S43W31391 HWY 83
PO Box 242
Genesee Depot, WI 53127
Public Works Direct Line: 262-888-2805
(If the department is unable to answer the phone please leave a voicemail and your phone call will be returned)
Noxious Weed Notice (click here)
During non office hours contact the Public Works at for snow plowing emergencies.
Seasonal road limits will be posted during the spring thaw,
all Town roads are Class B rated the rest of the year.
Class B rated is at 60% of your gross licensed weight
Click here for the Snow Removal Policy Guidlines
For more information click here
Town Ordinances
From 10 March, 1980.
“2.01 (a) All night parking. No person, except emergency vehicles, shall park any vehicle for longer than 30 min. between 2:00 am and 6:00 am on any day on any Town street.”
Also a reminder about pushing snow across the roadway.
From 11 Nov. 1985
“Sec 1:
"No person, corporation or organization shall cause, allow or permit snow or ice to be deposited from premises owned, controlled, leased, rented or maintained by the said person, corporation or organization onto any streets or right-of-way in the Town."
This includes pushing snow across the road.
Town of Genesee Snow Plow Route Map
(unfortunately this map can't be made any larger, for snow plow route questions call the department of public works at 262-888-2805)