Polls are open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Note: Photo ID is required.
Spring Elections Are Non-partisan:
If a Primary is necessary it is held on the third Tuesday in February and the Spring Election is held on the first Tuesday in April. Non-partisan offices include:
- Local: Town Supervisor, Town Chairman, and School Board Members: Interested in running for a local office, follow this link to the Wisconsin Elections Commission for information and paperwork https://elections.wi.gov/candidates/local-candidates#230548828-1556562227. You may also obtain paperwork at Town Hall.
- County: County Board Supervisor, Multi-Jurisdictional Judge, County Executive, County Advisory Referendum if applicable
- State: State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Justice of the Supreme Court, Circuit Court Judge, Court of Appeals Judge, Statewide Referendum if applicable
The April election also includes the Presidential Preference Primary in a Presidential election year.
Fall Elections Are Partisan:
If a Primary is necessary it is held on the second Tuesday in August and the General Election is held on the first Tuesday in November.
Partisan offices include:
- President and Vice-President of the United States
- Governor
- Lieutenant Governor
- Attorney General
- Secretary of State
- State Treasurer
- United States Senator
- Representative in Congress
- State Senator
- Representative to the Assembly
- County District Attorney
- County Clerk
- County Treasurer
- County Sheriff
- County Clerk of Circuit Court
- County Register of Deeds
- Referendum, if applicable
The Fall Elections also include a Party Preference category.